You'll Never Walk Alone:

A Sketch and Text Duet for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval

1SketchX, CVSSP, University of Surrey, United Kingdom 2iFlyTek-Surrey Joint Research Centre on Artifiial Intelligence

(a) Photos retrieved by our method, depicting precise control over both shape and appearance. (b) Unlike baseline sketch+text composed retrieval framework, our method seamlessly composes the structural and contextual cues of sketch and text queries respectively. (c) With a fixed sketch query, our method retrieves different images for different textual descriptions and vice-versa, depicting the complementarity of sketch and text modalities in sketch+text-based composed image retrieval. For a fixed sketch, the visual attributes from different textual descriptions are visibly reflected in the retrieved images while maintaining shape consistency. Similarly, fixing the attributes provided via text, shapes of retrieved images change corresponding to different sketch queries.


Two primary input modalities prevail in image retrieval: sketch and text. While text is widely used for inter-category retrieval tasks, sketches have been established as the sole preferred modality for fine-grained image retrieval due to their ability to capture intricate visual details. In this paper, we question the reliance on sketches alone for fine-grained image retrieval by simultaneously exploring the fine-grained representation capabilities of both sketch and text, orchestrating a duet between the two. The end result enables precise retrievals previously unattainable, allowing users to pose ever-finer queries and incorporate attributes like colour and contextual cues from text. For this purpose, we introduce a novel compositionality framework, effectively combining sketches and text using pre-trained CLIP models, while eliminating the need for extensive fine-grained textual descriptions. Last but not least, our system extends to novel applications in composed image retrieval, domain attribute transfer, and fine-grained generation, providing solutions for various real-world scenarios.



Top-5 fine-grained retrieval result comparison on ShoeV2/ChairV2. GT photos are green-bordered.

Qualitative results for sketch+text composed fine-grained generation with pre-trained StyleGAN2 models.

Qualitative result for object sketch-based scene image retrieval on FS-COCO. GT photos are green-bordered.

Top-3 domain attribute transfer results comparison on ImageNet-R. GT photos are green-bordered.

Qualitative comparison with baselines for sketch+text composed fashion image retrieval on FashionIQ. GT photos are green-bordered. Notably, even though the images retrieved by B-Sketch+Text are mostly of the same shape as the query sketch, they lack the desired appearance given by textual description.

t-SNE plots showing the feature distances for text-based, sketch-based, and composed retrieval. Compared to sketch/text-based retrieval, combining sketch and text pushes the composed embedding closer to the ground truth photo in the latent manifold.


title={{You'll Never Walk Alone: A Sketch and Text Duet for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval}},
author={Koley, Subhadeep and Bhunia, Ayan Kumar and Sain, Aneeshan and Chowdhury, Pinaki Nath and Xiang, Tao and Song, Yi-Zhe},

Copyright: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 © Subhadeep Koley | Last updated: 07 April 2024 | Good artists copy, great artists steal.