Text-to-Image Diffusion Models are Great Sketch-Photo Matchmakers

1SketchX, CVSSP, University of Surrey, United Kingdom 2iFlyTek-Surrey Joint Research Centre on Artifiial Intelligence

(Left): Sketch-based image retrieval frameworks usually employ ImageNet pre-trained CNNs, JFT-trained vision transformers (ViT), or visual encoders of vision-language models like CLIP as backbone feature extractors. Rich knowledge from large-scale pre-training offers a good initialisation, which when further fine-tuned on sketch-photo datasets, performs way better than training from random initialisation. While one can extract features either by discarding the classification head for ImageNet pre-trained models, auxiliary task head for self-supervised models, or by using CLIP's visual encoder, text-to-image diffusion models (e.g., stable diffusion) lack any specific feature embedding space. However, we find that its intermediate representations implicitly hold robust cross-modal features at multiple granularities. Unlike prior SBIR backbones, pre-trained with discriminative tasks, we propose to leverage denoising diffusion models pre-trained with text-to-image generative tasks to bridge the sketch-photo domain gap. Being a text-to-image generation model trained on a large corpus of text-image pairs (LAION), it holds both semantic and shape prior. PCA representation (right) of intermediate UNet features (sketch/photo) from different upsampling blocks depict that they share significant semantic similarity (denoted by similar colours).


This paper, for the first time, explores text-to-image diffusion models for Zero-Shot Sketch-based Image Retrieval (ZS-SBIR). We highlight a pivotal discovery: the capacity of text-to-image diffusion models to seamlessly bridge the gap between sketches and photos. This proficiency is underpinned by their robust cross-modal capabilities and shape bias, findings that are substantiated through our pilot studies. In order to harness pre-trained diffusion models effectively, we introduce a straightforward yet powerful strategy focused on two key aspects: selecting optimal feature layers and utilising visual and textual prompts. For the former, we identify which layers are most enriched with information and are best suited for the specific retrieval requirements (category-level or fine-grained). Then we employ visual and textual prompts to guide the model's feature extraction process, enabling it to generate more discriminative and contextually relevant cross-modal representations. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets validate significant performance improvements.

Diffusion Feature Extraction

Feature extraction via text-to-image diffusion model.


Given the frozen Stabel Diffusion backbone feature extractor, our method learns a single textual prompt, and sketch/photo-specific visual prompts via triplet loss.


PCA representation of Stabvel Diffusion internal features from upsampling layers of UNet for different time-steps. Different regions of sketch and photo feature maps from [200, 300] (highlighted in red) portray strong semantic feature correspondence (represented by the same colours in the PCA map), while the features from the later time-steps are non-aligned.

Plots showing low-data scenario performance for ZS-SBIR (left) and ZS-FG-SBIR (right) setup on Sketchy dataset.

Quantitative results on Sketchy for ZS-SBIR (mAP@200) and ZS-FG-SBIR (Acc.@1) setup for different denoising time-steps (left) and visual prompt border width (right).


title={{Text-to-Image Diffusion Models are Great Sketch-Photo Matchmakers}},
author={Koley, Subhadeep and Bhunia, Ayan Kumar and Sain, Aneeshan and Chowdhury, Pinaki Nath and Xiang, Tao and Song, Yi-Zhe},

Copyright: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 © Subhadeep Koley | Last updated: 05 April 2024 | Good artists copy, great artists steal.